姓名:余吉昌 | 性别:男 | |
籍贯:平顶山市 | 民族:汉 | |
所在系:数学与数量经济学 | 教研室:金融数学 | |
是否博导:否 | 是否硕导:是 | |
职称:副教授 | 现任职务:教师 | |
电子邮箱:yujc@zuel.edu.cn |
统计学期刊 Biostatistics, Statistical Papers, Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods 等的匿名审稿人
1)2013年7月至今,菠菜担保网论坛 菠菜资源平台大全
2)2009年9月至2013年6月,武汉大学 概率论与数理统计学 博士研究生
3)2011年7月至2013年1月,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,博士联合培养
5)2006年9月至2008年6月,武汉大学 概率论与数理统计学 硕士研究生
6)2002年9月至2006年6月,河南大学 信息与计算科学 学士
1)Cao, Y. and Yu, J*.(2023). Adjusting for unmeasured confounding in survival causal effect using validation data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis180,107660.
2)Yu, J., Zhou, H. and Cai, J*. (2022). Semiparametric estimation of average treatment effect with sieve method. arXiv:2207.03281.
3)Cao, Y., Zhang, X#. and Yu, J*.(2022). Estimating survival treatment effects with covariate adjustment using propensity score.Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 38,2057-2068.
4)Cao, Y*. and Yu, J. (2022). Estimation of average treatment effect with case-cohort design. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series 65,751-762.
5)Cao, Y. and Yu, J*.(2021). A class of goodness-of-fit test for the additive hazards model with case-cohort data. Pharmaceutical Statistics20, 451-461.
6)Yu, J., Zhou, H. and Cai, J*. (2021). Accelerated failure time model for data from outcome-dependent sampling. Lifetime Data Analysis27, 15-37.
7)Yu, J. and Cao, Y. (2020). Model diagnostics for the proportional hazards model with case-cohort design. Acta Mathematica Sinica, Chinese Series 63,137-148.
8)Cao, Y., Yang, Q. and Yu, J*. (2017). Optimal generalized case-cohort analysis with accelerated failure time model. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society46, 298-307.
9)Yu, J., Liu, Y., Cai, J., Sandler, D. and Zhou, H*. (2016). Outcome-dependent sampling design and inference for Cox’s proportional hazards model. Journal of statistical planning and inference178, 24-36.
10)Yu, J., Liu, Y., Sandler, D. and Zhou, H*. (2015).Statistical inference for the additive hazards model under outcome-dependent sampling. Canadian Journal of Statistics43, 436-453.